October 28, 2010

My Mom's Here! And Quinoa Soup!

Mom's finally left the East coast!

She's staying with us for a couple of weeks and we've been having lots of staying inside where it's warm time, and enjoying loads of feel good soups. Today we tried our luck at making quinoa cabbage soup... came out yummy! Had a bag of frozen pan de yuca so we popped some in the oven to accompany it:


October 17, 2010

Hooorrrrnado! (sort of)

I have never made hornado, or pork of any kind other than chops, which I don't anymore because I overcook them and it upsets me when I ruin food.... but! my trusty mom sent me this link for pulled pork sandwiches, and it seemed easy... so I thought what if I combined the pulled pork instructions with this recipe for Hornado, and see what would come out?? Well, here's my first attempt at slow cooked hornado:

Pete's lending a hand with the llapingachos

Chris made rosemary sqush

Mmmmhh... which wine to open first?

Shredded goodness!

Uhhhh..... Yeahhhh....

I nearly passed out

So. Good.

I still need to play around with the recipe, but, lemme tell ya, hard to mess up a pork shoulder in a slow cooker. So fear not and play with it :)


Mi mom sent me this link: Roasted Tilapia with Potatoes, and it looked gooood, so I went for it!

Highly recommend it! nomnomnom....

October 03, 2010

Back On The 5k Wagon!

Last Saturday I ran my first 5k since I hurt my knee back in January :) This race benefited the Fetal Hope Foundation, which funds the fight against fetal syndromes. Fritz came along for support :D

Perfect morning for a run, overcast and chilly!

Some of the people that started behind me... all in the picture passed me. Most everyone passed me. I'm not in what you'd call tip-top-shape...

I just thought these kids were adorable, trying to climb that monolith thing

My time according to my stop watch... Not hoooorrible I guess... And I beat the big older dude in the jean shorts. So now I can sleep at night... at least.

Yay! did it!