January 02, 2011

Thanksgiving. 2010

This year we spent Thanksgiving in Walla Walla. My 2nd in a row with Maggi and Matt, and Fritz's first time in Walla Walla. Besides the whole Fritz throwing his back Thanksgiving night and all the pain and the trip to urgent care and the drugs and all... It was a super fun time!

Fritz: last pain free moments

How many Ecos can fit in a Moss bed? One, apparently!!

Mmmm... Pig

Bacon. It gives you a motive to be vertical.

Back to the bedroom floor. Where he lived for the next day and a half.

Our last night, at The Green Lantern. Only bar that the cousin has taken me to in Walla Walla. For all I know, the only bar in existence in Walla Walla!

The drive home. More white. I'm so over it at this point!

Me too! says Moss