January 30, 2010

Ecuador!! Part 2

On the 2nd day, we took our newly rented car and a crappy map and made our way to Mindo. I had never been, so I was just as big a tourist as Kerry!

First gear was crap, the tires squealed on every turn and the breaks whistled...
But it got us around!

The place in Mindo where they told us where to go for canoping!

Shortly after arriving... Awesome what humidity does to your hair...

Parking area at Mindo Ropes & Canopy

People arriving from the previous tour... When it started to dawn on me what I was getting myself into....

The stuff that was to keep us from falling to a painful death

Last chance for a pit stop...

Getting harnessed up

Yup.... it's about to happen...

I took a video of me going on one of the cables:

Our guides... just hanging...

And here's me arriving at the last deck

Purty flahrrs

Then, to grab a bite, we went to a place called Mindo Lago.
The setting was heavenly, and the food was amazing.

Tilt Shifted:

Then it started raining, and the frogs started singing...
And we got to see these little guys have a bit of a drink.
It was hard to catch them because they wouldn't get close if there
was any movement...

Yeah... that was a good day :)


Marisol said...

Que belleza, que lindas fotos y que linda tu

David said...

bien tu cámara oye (bueno y el mérito del fotógrafo), yo solo logré tormarles una foto a los colibries después de como una hora de intentar.. me toca subir un nivel en esa tecnología

skyfirehoa said...

Holy crap, you are BRAVE!!! This would have been me the whole way down:


The tilt shift is COO-OL and I am totally stealing all your flower shots for my desktop background. Oh wait, no, the mushrooms have it! ;)