July 08, 2010

Independence Day - Proper!

4th of July at the beach....

Started with proper patriotic breakfast

Patriotic mimosas

Dutch Babies (made in America!)

Look at those colors!

Patriotic.... chainsaw?

American deer (born and raised!)

huh... uhm... the dude's American...


And then, explosions... how much more patriotic can we get?

Fire, beach, dynamite...




jules.maas said...

You take the best food photos EVER! :) Looks like a fantastic time - great fireworks shots, too!

Marisol said...

very patriotic.........
yes Jules, she does take great pics

Anonymous said...

Absolutamente me encantan tus fotos y expresividad!! disfruto mucho tu Blog Moniquita!!! TQM
la tia Maggi
-No sé por qué no se comunican tus llamadas (?)
-Ah, ya me llegó tu sobre, está guardadito para cuando se necesite :)

Alex said...

Thanks Jules!!! Thanks Maggi!! :D