October 03, 2010

Back On The 5k Wagon!

Last Saturday I ran my first 5k since I hurt my knee back in January :) This race benefited the Fetal Hope Foundation, which funds the fight against fetal syndromes. Fritz came along for support :D

Perfect morning for a run, overcast and chilly!

Some of the people that started behind me... all in the picture passed me. Most everyone passed me. I'm not in what you'd call tip-top-shape...

I just thought these kids were adorable, trying to climb that monolith thing

My time according to my stop watch... Not hoooorrible I guess... And I beat the big older dude in the jean shorts. So now I can sleep at night... at least.

Yay! did it!


Marisol said...

That is the main thing: You did it!!!!