October 17, 2010

Hooorrrrnado! (sort of)

I have never made hornado, or pork of any kind other than chops, which I don't anymore because I overcook them and it upsets me when I ruin food.... but! my trusty mom sent me this link for pulled pork sandwiches, and it seemed easy... so I thought what if I combined the pulled pork instructions with this recipe for Hornado, and see what would come out?? Well, here's my first attempt at slow cooked hornado:

Pete's lending a hand with the llapingachos

Chris made rosemary sqush

Mmmmhh... which wine to open first?

Shredded goodness!

Uhhhh..... Yeahhhh....

I nearly passed out

So. Good.

I still need to play around with the recipe, but, lemme tell ya, hard to mess up a pork shoulder in a slow cooker. So fear not and play with it :)


Marisol said...

mmmmmmm, and thank you for the trust worthy :D

Anonymous said...